About Us

Family Profiles:

Len and Rona Millar arrived in Whitehorse, Yukon on September 11, 1954 on their honeymoon, having married on September 4 in Almonte, Ontario, Dad’s hometown, 50 miles from Shawville, Quebec, Mom’s hometown. After three years of trying to get to Dawson City, they finally arrived, with their 1 year old son, David. Len worked for the Department of Transportation and Mom worked as a Registered Nurse in St. Mary’s hospital. Over the years they had a set of twins, Dirk and Deborah and the “baby”, Mary Dee.

When the dredge company stopped operating in 1966, the Millars moved to British Columbia where they operated their own business for several years, until the calling of the North could no longer be ignored and in 1974, Len returned to Dawson to begin looking at how to start gold mining.